In what order should you renovate a house?

If the house isn't big enough for your needs, consider how you could change it to rectify it. You may be able to easily convert existing space, such as the garage or attic. A simple attic conversion is usually a fairly affordable option for additional space, if the playing field allows it. Or maybe the backyard is big enough to have room for an addition while leaving enough outside space to enjoy.

Again, look at neighboring properties for an indication of what may be possible. Fortunately, we've worked with many Central Ohio homeowners on their entire home renovation projects, and we know how many details are needed to do a complete home renovation right. We love to plan, design and build our customers' dream renovations, and over the years, we've developed a general checklist for whole-house renovation to help our customers better understand the process. So, what are the general whole house remodeling steps you should follow? And what kinds of things should be on your home remodeling checklist? Here are our best tips to help you plan and organize your renovation.

The scope of this step is largely due to your plan. You may need to rebuild thoroughly, or it may just be a matter of framing a few new walls. This step includes all the elements “behind the scenes” and is usually executed simultaneously with reconstruction and framing. Basically, everything that needs to go inside floors, walls or ceilings will be completed in this step.

It could include some minor adjustments to plumbing and electricity, or it could be a complete rewiring or a reinstallation of your home's plumbing. Once everything has been redesigned and rebuilt, all the mechanical components are where they need to be and the insulation is in place, drywall can be lifted. It will need to be glued with tape and mud, then the mud will have to be dried and sanded. Once the walls are smooth, they are ready for priming, painting or other finishes.

Many contractors like to paint at this point to avoid dripping or over-spraying on final finishes. Buying the right property to renovate is crucial, but it's not always easy. When looking for properties to renovate, it's very important to consider planning the permit before buying them. So, when searching for properties, start by looking for those that already have a general planning permit, or a full permit, in effect.

However, while this means that no planning permission will be required, there are some size and scale limitations for things like extensions. Once you have your builder ready, you can agree on a clear construction schedule so that everyone involved in the project is aware of what is expected and the deadlines. When renovating a house, you will need a clear construction schedule. When working with a builder or contractor to renovate a home, a construction schedule also acts as a loosely binding contract between you, the landlord, and the person doing the work, helping you to ensure that everything stays on track and on budget.

This is where your work program becomes the reference document for renovating your home. If you think of renovating your home as a major surgical operation, it should come as no surprise that your property needs time to recover from a lot of renovation work. Second, your budget will be affected by any issues that arise during the renovation: every home can have gremlins and surprises lurking around, so you should always expect your budget to be put to the test no matter how prepared you are. However, renovations are an important task, and before enthusiasm gets the best of you, be sure to prepare for the renovation ahead of time.
